So I suggested that anyone who wanted to use the bar should put it in a text widget on the sidebar of the blog, like under Contributors or something and Val said I had to say how :P.
The answer is that anyone who has one should give Val (as blog creator) a link to the bar. She then has to add it to an HTML/Javascript Page Element as an IMG tag, probably with a BR or two between to separate.
Probably not what she was looking for, but it's the truth. It's under Template.
So this is the version that is for sale at the Holly Shop, and it does work with Blogger.
Anyone have any other ideas of how to show progress?
I decided to go for 1000 miles this year. Of course, you may not have noticed yet, but the progress bar displays in 1k increments. So I could actually, SEE something, I just added three zeroes and am working from there. Mentally remove the "k" and you're fine.
Here's my live link: http://www.mercuryranch.org/1.0/progress_bar/Jean_WtS.png
Bonnie actually created the blog, but basically, it belongs to all of us. I don't mind hosting the thingie on my website, though, so long as someone (hellooooo Mar) walks me through the setup.
I believe you're saying that the *glitch* is that Blogger won't host it but will display it if hosted elsewhere.
Okay, now I read Mar's message a little more closely. Yes, host the image on your own site if you have one. Then we can put the link into the sidebar. We at the moment is me or Bonnie or Maripat.
Jean, I sent you an email from Blogger asking you to be an author on this group blog, but haven't heard back via that link.
And if anyone doesn't have their own website to host your progress bar AND you want one, I'll host it for you. If I can figure out how, that is!
Great idea, as I always need a destination when I walk. I plan to use the treadmill while the weather is a lovely, balmy -15 though:) Still have to get a pedometer and figure it out.
JOYCE!!!! Hey, good to see you :)
Hey everybody, I do SO have Real Life friends and Joyce is one of them. Woohoo!!!!
I never doubted it, Val. Nice to meet you Joyce.
Val, the no-reply address was trapped in my spam filter. Once you mentioned it, I dropped in and rescued it and went to the site. I'm now seeing us on my Dashboard.
Joyce, I sent you an invite, too, so if it doesn't show up, scoop your spam filter like Jean did.
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