Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 678, Monday January 4

Steps: 6258
PED Miles: 2.66
Non-PED Miles: 2
Total Miles: 4.66
YTD Total: 14.08
AT Total: 1856.33
Virtual Walk Total: 1917.99

Short walk plus Wii Fit and Wii Resort. The Showdown on the swordplay is like being attacked by a zombie horde of fencers and really gets the blood pumping :). I use it to warm up.


Bonnie said...

5.6 miles yesterday -- 4 of it on the exercise bike.

January: 11.4 miles
AT total: 1668.3

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Very nice work, Bonnie :). The bike sure is handy.