This particular trail was on Galiano Island. I've posted up more photos (and a journal of sorts) at my blog, and the best photos over all are going up at Facebook.
The stats for the ten days? 63.3 miles, of which about 10 was cycling.
AT: 1935.72
YTD: 794.92
Monday steps: 3.68 miles. Man I'm tired; I've been dragging around all day. Surprised I got as far as I did!
AT: 1939.39
YTD: 798.59
That's a lot of miles, Val :). On the trip, I mean, though almost 4 is still nice.
Steps: 6844
PED Miles: 2.91
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.91
YTD Total: 395.61
AT Total: 1284.71
Virtual Walk Total: 1346.37
Took a long walk and did laundry. Still sick but getting better.
Very impressive and welcome back. Managed 20 minutes on the elyptical at a low setting for 1.5 miles, then walked in the light rain another 1.5 with Bonnie. Did I mention its been raining here for a week streight.
Total: 3
AT: 1,959.5
Hey, welcome back, both of you!
Monday, 1.7 miles. I seem to have a tick bite from the weekend. Yuck.
June: 69.3
year: 438.9
AT: 1157.9
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