Neil and I are starting off August with a camping trip to the White Mountains. I found this picture of the shelter where we'll be staying tomorrow night (on a website called, useful for any hiking in New Hampshire's White Mountains). I don't think we're going to be having a campfire, just a nice rocket fueled stove.

I thought the platforms didn't look very comfortable, but then I took a good look at the rocks and said, "Nah, wood is good." I'll update when we get back with photos from our trip. Assuming the camera and I both get back in one piece!
Hope you've got comfortable sleeping bags! But yes, wood > rock!
Have a great trip!
So glad to find you all! I started a virtual thru-hike of the AT on March 17, 2006. At the time, my health insurance company was providing software, pics, and info to support me, but they just discontinued that. My goal is to complete the whole thing in 5 years, averaging 1.25 miles a day. I'm behind because of a leg injury and then some intense work projects, so I've averaged about 1.12 miles a day. Right now I am at mile 974, pushing north toward the West Virginia border. I'm trying to pull my average up while the weather is good.
To motivate me, I'm reading two books that move along the Appalachian Trail. One is Bill Bryson's A Walk in the Woods . The other is a collection of stories from different area; it's called Story Line . I only read as far into the books as I've gone on the trail
I try to find pictures on the internet that match the season and place I am in. I especially like Radar's 2002 trail journal, photos, and maps at
I have some other things I do to spice up my walks, but I'll save those for a later post.
Be well,
Once upon a time, there was a hiker on the AT. She was hiking along happily, enjoying the view but always mindful of how far she had to go. One day, she decided to stop and admire the view. The next day she admired a little more. She became distracted from the trail by several bugs (she thought they were called 'company,' 'vacation,' 'work,' and 'summer break' but she couldn't actually find them in her Random House Pocket Bug Book.) She followed the bugs, trying to identify them, until she realized that not only had she wandered off the trail and gotten lost, she'd also managed to wash her pedometer in the laundry.
The moral of the story: Enjoy the view, but keep to the task or you'll be trying to figure out how to get back to it. And whatever you do, don't wash the pedometer.
Hope to be back with y'all soon.
Hmm. No response. Is anybody here? How does this campfire thing work? Does it just last a day or is it for a whole month?
I'm at the Sam Moore Shelter, btw, just south of Bluemont, Va., 985 miles so far.
The campfires have been a come as you have time, and usually last the month.
Unfortunately not a lot of action at this one.
Hi Kimi -- the campfire does last all month, but with everybody on vacation and stuff, we haven't been very active recently.
If you send me email (bonnierschutzman at gmail) with your preferred email address, I can add you to the members list so you can start the daily post, etc.
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