Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day 182, Friday, August 29

Busy day here in Valerie Land. Brody and I walked in the morning. I spent most of the day helping my daughter pack up--they're moving back out of our house tomorrow. Brody and I got a short week again in the evening. 11195 steps for the day (4.6 miles).

AT: 644.58
YTD: 741.68

1 comment:

neils said...

Way to go Val.

Played golf, and didn't remess up my back! 2 miles. Went to red sox game with Bonnie in the evening and walked 2 miles from the Pru to the stadum and back.

Total: 4
AT: 956.5

Saturday plan to run for the first time in a week, since I already did it I can report all went slowly but well.

Unfortunately Bonnie is still recoverying slowing from the sinus infection and is spending most of today naping.