Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, September 8

Today was a real recovery day, 1 mile walk at noon and then 1.5 in the evening with Bonnie. They have delivered 2 cords of wood in our driveway. Not sure how much walking it will be to get it stacked, but certainly going to be a lot of lifting.

Total: 2.5
AT: 1,003


Bonnie said...

1.6 mile evening walk with Neil, and half a mile or thereabouts doing chores and stuff, 2.1 total. I'm not too sore from the hike, but my muscles are seriously fatigued. I don't think I could run if I had to.

September: 16.0
AT: 414.0
Year: 468.2

Valerie Comer said...

Congrats on being able to see your way out of Virginia, Neil! Sounds like you guys had a great hiking weekend.

Monday, here, two walks with Brody, morning and evening. Not much else. 2.53 miles.

Hanna's home for a couple days (yeah, I know, she just left, but she had a few days off work and her hubby is on a college field trip) to can pasta sauce, so I'm back to spending my evenings standing at the sink/stove blanching and peeling tomatoes with her.

Methinks it is the face of September.

AT: 684.7
YTD: 781.8