Is this what it looks like at my house? No. I just wanted to look at spring! I took this photo at Butchart Gardens near Victoria 11 months ago, in early May.
Today Brody and I did our early walk, then we had company much of the day. When they left, Jim and I and the pup went for a walk to the end of the road and then out along the irrigation channel for a ways. Lots of birds--geese overheade, humungous flocks of starlings, some red-winged blackbirds and robins. Today: 5.31 miles.
AT: 1543.19
YTD: 402.39
Nice picture, Val. Looked like a beautiful day here today, but outside was a bit nippy still.
Steps: 6523
PED Miles: 2.7
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.7
YTD Total: 209.22
AT Total: 1098.32
Virtual Walk Total: 1159.98
Got in a real walk today for the first time in three days. Still sick but feeling a little better this afternoon. Sadly got worse again.
Oooh, lovely. Another month and we should get to something like that.
I went out for lunch with friends, which meant walking through downtown Concord, then an afternoon walk with spouse. Three miles total.
April: 8.9
year: 210.3
AT: 927.3
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