Morning and (short) afternoon walk. In between I tried to burn down the farm and got quite a few steps running around with the hose and a shovel. Sadly our Clipper canoe melted, but that's all the damage that mattered in the end. Close call. 4.47 miles today.
AT: 1572.85
YTD: 432.05
Steps: 3314
PED Miles: 1.37
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 1.37
YTD Total: 224.2
AT Total: 1113.3
Virtual Walk Total: 1174.96
Yet another cold has swallowed me whole. Add to that hail and a crisis with one of my kids' friends at school, and I just didn't walk much. Too sick to bounce.
Spent the last 2 days at golf school. Lessons from 8:30 - 2:30 then played golf from 2:30 - 5:00. I can bearly walk today and just about all of my muscles are sore. But rode the cart during golf. So only acruate mileage is 2 evening walks with Bonnie of 1.5 each.
Yes it was fun and we had great weather. Of course it is raining today, but who cares.
Total: 3
AT: 1,985.5
Geez, Val, if you want to sit in front of a fire, you should just hop into the transponder. We'll be glad to let you sit in front of our fireplace.
1.8 miles today.
April: 19.9
year: 221.2
AT: 938.2
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