The Sunken Garden at Butchart.
Puppy walk in the morning, after which I made the difficult decision to have George euthanized today. Hung out at noon with my sis-in-law. Jim and Brody and I went for a short walk after we buried the kitty. I guess I did more pacing today than I thought: 3.96 miles
AT: 1563.11
YTD: 422.31
Hugs again on George.
Steps: 7692
PED Miles: 3.19
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 3.19
YTD Total: 220.28
AT Total: 1109.38
Virtual Walk Total: 1171.04
Went once around the block (it's a long block), ran errands, and bounced my way to some mileage.
Condolences on your cat.
Did the elyptical trainer at noon 3 miles. Then played golf 2 miles. Madhav brought a ringer to play on his team, but they only managed to beat us by two holes, so we claimed a moral victory.
Total: 5
AT: 1,982.5
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