Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 406, Tuesday April 7

Today was a lovely spring day--I didn't even grab my hoodie for my noon walk. Got three decent walks today for a total of 5.54 miles.

AT: 1559.15
YTD: 418.35


Margaret M. Fisk said...

I envy you your spring. Ours has gone back into hibernation, though we're not supposed to get the snow, just the cold.

Steps: 6272
PED Miles: 2.6
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.6
YTD Total: 217.09
AT Total: 1106.19
Virtual Walk Total: 1167.85

Short walk in the morning with nothing much to see, then ended up bouncing to Fringe to get the rest because a storm's coming in and it's cold again.

neils said...

Thanks Val, but my birthday isn't till the 29th. Steven is leaving on another business trip. His birthday is on the 15th. So he came down to celebrate early. Nice to celebrate your birthday multiple times, as long as you don't have to add another year for each celebration :)

Managed to sneak out for a 3 mile run, then discovered I blew off a meeting that I had forgotten about. Ah well. Walked 1.5 in the evening.

total: 4.5
AT: 1,977.5

Bonnie said...

I think you can assume we like your photos, Val *g*

I was under the weather yesterday, bad headache and generally just wiped out from overdoing it last week. I wound up with 1.3 miles anyway.

April: 15.7
year: 217.0
AT: 934.0