Yay! The daffodils are blooming. If they don't get frozen solid, they'll be doing well. The snow is most of the way back down the mountain. Brr.
Walked morning, noon, and night again today. And shivered. 4.17 miles.
AT: 1646.19
YTD: 505.39
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Hugs. We're back down in temp too, but not as cold as you are, I don't think.
Steps: 6217
PED Miles: 2.58
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.58
YTD Total: 263.82
AT Total: 1152.92
Virtual Walk Total: 1214.58
Did some rebounding, laundry, and a midlength walk today.
The forecast is for 90 today here. But should cool back to normal tomorrow.
Yesterday was nice low 80's ran 3.5 at noon, and 1.5 mile walk in the evening.
Total: 5
AT: 2,073.5
Two miles for me yesterday.
Today, high of 93F forecast. Whatever walking I do will be after the sun goes down, assuming we aren't deluged by thunderstorms then.
April: 62.5
year: 263.9
AT: 979.9
Pretty - I love daffodils.
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