Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 501, Saturday July 11

Was I complaining about the rain? As soon as Jim gets the hay off, I'll wish for it again. My it's hot out today (and upstairs right now!) We took the pup for a run with the bikes after the sun went down. It may well be our new summer habit.

Took me a bit of time to figure out where on the Appalachian Trail I am, but I think I'm close to Moxie Bald Mountain Lean-to in Maine. I can almost see the end of the trail from here!

AT: 2035.25
YTD: 894.45

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Wow, you're getting really close, Val! Congratulations!

We walked around the pond today, the longest I've been out in quite a while. Felt good. 3.6 miles total.

Sunday and Monday we're going to be back up in the White Mountains, hiking with Kat and David this time. I'll probably be staying behind to do the art thing, but hopefully I'll get some walking in.

July: 33.6
year: 483.9
AT: 1202.9