Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 355, Sunday 15 February

Last day of Boskone and 2.3 miles. I was going to go for an evening walk with Neil, but we're planning to hike by the ocean tomorrow so I think I'll take it easy tonight.

The good news as far as I'm concerned is that I have now survived half of February. Woot!

February: 38.9
and year: 111.1
AT: 828.1


Valerie Comer said...

Another *regular* day for me and the pup: two walks (Jim came for the afternoon one also) and some random walking around the house, cleaning and bottling the plum wine. Finally. Today: 4.76 miles

AT: 1323.13
YTD: 182.33

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Steps: 6276
PED Miles: 2.6
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.6
YTD Total: 105.48
AT Total: 994.58
Virtual Walk Total: 1056.24

Actually managed a lot of errand walking and then a real, if short walk. Weather is nasty, rain and snow alternating, and I managed to tweak my knee. But all in all the best day almost since Feb began? Saw three hawks, the heron, and a passel of ducks and Canada Geese.