We have computer virus's at work, so I have a scan running that is taking all my cpu:(
Raining so went to the gym, road the bike 10 minutes 1.8M, then an elyptical freed up so did that for 20 minutes for anther 2 miles. Jog to the gym and back .2. Did Pilates in the evening.
total: 4
AT: 1,945.5
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Day 397, Sunday March 29
Saturday we walked around the pond 2.5 miles, first time around it in a while. Ran 3 in the afternoon. Sunday we managed a 1.5 mile run in light rain, it stoped enough to run 3 in the afternoon. Lots of wild turkeys around, and the frogs were so noisy at the pond we thought they were ducks.
Total: 10
AT: 1,941.5
Total: 10
AT: 1,941.5
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Day 396, Saturday, March 28
Pup and I did the morning walk, then worked in the yard, raking and hauling branches to the burning pile. Word to the wise: golden willows are gorgeous trees but every wind prunes it some. I was pretty sore after a couple hours of yard work and so, because Brody had been outside with me most of that time, we went for only a short walk just before supper. And I need muscle relaxers before bed! Today: 4.94 miles.
AT: 1511.10
YTD: 370.30
Hey, Bonnie? Where's the shelter list for the next section of the Trail? I'm in uncharted territory here!
AT: 1511.10
YTD: 370.30
Hey, Bonnie? Where's the shelter list for the next section of the Trail? I'm in uncharted territory here!
Day 395, Friday March 27
The pup and I had our morning walk. After lunch I did some yard work while waiting for my friends Bonne and Viv to stop by. Once they arrived we took Brody for a long walk, intending to go out to the river but the field was partly under water. Brody went for a swim. He's still damp 7 hours later. Today: 6.18 miles.
AT: 1506.16
YTD: 365.36
AT: 1506.16
YTD: 365.36
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day 394, Thursday March 26
Full walk with the pup at 6:30 am--about 2 miles. He wasn't at his obedient best so spent quite awhile on the leash. At noon it was sunny, if still rather chilly, so I got a solid walk then. After work Jim and I and the pup walked the perimeter of our property, checking for fence damage from the elk (not as much as some years) and to see if there is much for water in the low spots. We saw several Rocky Mountain Bluebirds. Quite a splash of bright blue. Today: 5.83 miles.
AT: 1499.98 (should've gone a smidge further I see!)
YTD: 359.18
AT: 1499.98 (should've gone a smidge further I see!)
YTD: 359.18
Day 393, Wednesday, March 25
The pup and I got our full morning walk and are rediscovering the milk tank truck's schedule to the dairy farm at the end of our road. It takes Brody and I 40 minutes for a return trip, and the tanker spends about 30 minutes at the dairy. Yup, today we got it coming and going. Shortish walk at noon (had to visit my SIL), and Jim came with us after work and his back is still sore. And it was blowing rain. Total today: 4.19 miles
AT: 1494.15
YTD: 353.35
AT: 1494.15
YTD: 353.35
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 392, Tuesday March 24
Nice sunny, but still cool day, ran 3.5 at noon, walked 1.5 in the evening. This is my week with the pager, it did go off and had to check out a customer problem, fortunately didn't take a long time, but we'll see what today brings.
Total: 5
AT: 1,917
Total: 5
AT: 1,917
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Day 391, Monday March 23
Weather is iffy here. A week of 65 degrees followed by a day of rain and snow and then today where it's cold, but not very. Strange time of year.
Steps: 6199
PED Miles: 2.57
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.57
YTD Total: 184.71
AT Total: 1073.81
Virtual Walk Total: 1135.47
Only had time for a short walk and my whole upper body is dead from WII Tennis yesterday (guess my shoulders were a wee bit out of shape :p), so I bounced my way to the minimum and it's enough.
Steps: 6199
PED Miles: 2.57
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.57
YTD Total: 184.71
AT Total: 1073.81
Virtual Walk Total: 1135.47
Only had time for a short walk and my whole upper body is dead from WII Tennis yesterday (guess my shoulders were a wee bit out of shape :p), so I bounced my way to the minimum and it's enough.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Day 390, Sunday, March 22
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Day 389, Saturday March 21
Walked 1 mile with Bonnie, then played 18 holes of golf (first time out this year for 4 miles of walking. Interesting week to go to the mountains in 4 feet of snow and then play golf, but I guess that is spring.
Total: 5
AT: 1,902.5
Total: 5
AT: 1,902.5
Day 388, Friday, March 20
With the lengthening days, we got in a third (for me) walk after supper. The pup seems to need an extra-strong hand these days, so I was glad Jim felt well enough to join us for that one and do the yelling. Today: 4.67 miles.
AT: 1468.79
YTD: 327.99
AT: 1468.79
YTD: 327.99
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Day 387, Thursday March 19

This is our group at the top of Mt. Pierce, the AT continues behind us. Mt. Eisenhour is right behind us, the kind of shark fin to the right is Monroe, Washington is the big thing behind it (you can kind of see the weather station towers on top), to the left are Adams and Madison, you are seening about 10 miles of the White Mountains.
Day 386, Wednesday March 18
Beautiful weather today. So much so that I got overheated on the walk. How's it going around you all?
Steps: 7586
PED Miles: 3.14
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 3.14
YTD Total: 170.01
AT Total: 1059.11
Virtual Walk Total: 1120.77
Good walking day today. Didn't see much, but managed a decent distance.
Steps: 7586
PED Miles: 3.14
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 3.14
YTD Total: 170.01
AT Total: 1059.11
Virtual Walk Total: 1120.77
Good walking day today. Didn't see much, but managed a decent distance.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Day 385, March 17, Tuesday
Happy St. Patrick's Day. Not much was happening today until I decided to take myself for a bike ride and walk in the park. We have a lovely park with an asphalt walking track, pond, garden club foliage, picnic tables and grills, and benchesday. My trip meter on the bike says it's .9 miles from the house (one way). Three laps around the park is a little over a mile. Nothing really happened after I decided to take myself out either, but I enjoyed it.
1.8 miles on the bike and 2220 aerobic steps for 20 minutes.
AT miles: 1071.56
YTD miles: 191.7
1.8 miles on the bike and 2220 aerobic steps for 20 minutes.
AT miles: 1071.56
YTD miles: 191.7
Monday, March 16, 2009
Day 384, Monday, March 16
Not a bad day -- hiking over the VA complex grounds to find where I needed to be was most helpful in adding steps today.
8616 for 4.2 miles (1863 areobic steps in 19 minutes)
YTD miles: 186.99
AT miles: 1066.85
8616 for 4.2 miles (1863 areobic steps in 19 minutes)
YTD miles: 186.99
AT miles: 1066.85
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Day 383, Sunday, March 15
It's hard to imagine walking in crappier weather than what we had today: snow, rain, wind, slop. And cold. And did I mention the wind? And the cold? Morning walk was quite short. I was drenched through and frozen solid all in one go. The afternoon walk was marginally better. At least not quite as cold. Today's HARD EARNED miles: 3.
AT: 1448.85
YTD: 308.05
AT: 1448.85
YTD: 308.05
Day 382, Saturday, March 14
The crows have discovered it is fun to taunt Brody, so now my walks are more entertaining than they were before. They didn't need to be upped that notch. Jim came too on the afternoon walk and helped keep him in line. We're looking for puppy training classes! Today: 4.29 miles.
AT: 1445.84
YTD: 305.04
AT: 1445.84
YTD: 305.04
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Day 381, Friday March 13
Sorry folks. I used up my creativity on yesterday's post ;). But it was a beautiful 65 degrees today at least.
Steps: 6534
PED Miles: 2.71
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.71
YTD Total: 159.99
AT Total: 1049.09
Virtual Walk Total: 1110.75
Bouncing in the morning and afternoon then a shorter than normal walk with nothing much to see.
Steps: 6534
PED Miles: 2.71
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.71
YTD Total: 159.99
AT Total: 1049.09
Virtual Walk Total: 1110.75
Bouncing in the morning and afternoon then a shorter than normal walk with nothing much to see.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Day 380, Thursday March 12
If the ducks are any sign, it's well past spring. We've got some month olds coming out of hiding when we should have little ducklings.
Steps: 6578
PED Miles: 2.72
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.72
YTD Total: 157.28
AT Total: 1046.38
Virtual Walk Total: 1108.04
One good walk, saw lots of ducks but not much else, oh, except the heron hiding in the reeds. Then I set up my rebounder and started using it a bit too. It'll be fun, but I'm going very slowly.
Steps: 6578
PED Miles: 2.72
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 2.72
YTD Total: 157.28
AT Total: 1046.38
Virtual Walk Total: 1108.04
One good walk, saw lots of ducks but not much else, oh, except the heron hiding in the reeds. Then I set up my rebounder and started using it a bit too. It'll be fun, but I'm going very slowly.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Day 379, Wednesday, March 11
We're still somewhere in the minus mumble-teens somewhere, but the sun shone today and the wind stayed tucked in it snug bed. (Too cold even for the wind? Mebbe.) At any rate, well bundled up, walking is doable in this nonsense. Got a reasonable morning walk and a good noon walk. And hubby decided to join me and the pup after work and was in the mood for the full 2 miles at that time. So I got (drumroll) 5.47 total.
AT: 1434.24
YTD: 293.44
AT: 1434.24
YTD: 293.44
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Day 378, Tuesday March 10
Well. I'm back, still alive. I see that I haven't posted yet this month. Arrgghh.
I had 5 miles over the weekend, according to the pedometer. 3 miles today going to art class. Before that -- with two days flat in bed, I'm guessing maybe 3 miles for the five days, total. So 11 since I last posted; I hope I'm feeling well enough to start catching up on mileage now.
That's awfully cold where you are, Val. I hope it's not heading our way!
March: 11
and year: 160.9
AT: 878.9
I had 5 miles over the weekend, according to the pedometer. 3 miles today going to art class. Before that -- with two days flat in bed, I'm guessing maybe 3 miles for the five days, total. So 11 since I last posted; I hope I'm feeling well enough to start catching up on mileage now.
That's awfully cold where you are, Val. I hope it's not heading our way!
March: 11
and year: 160.9
AT: 878.9
Day 377, Monday, March 9
We are back in the throes of winter here, about -23C (including wind chill) this morning on Brody's and my walk, about half our usual. Snowing at lunchtime and still cold, but I got a walk in anyway. Bundled up for after work walk. The wind had died down and the sun was actually shining, so I figured it wasn't going to get any better in the foreseeable future and took the pup for the full walk. 4.55 today.
AT: 1424.87
YTD: 284.07
Glad to see you guys made it safely back home, Bonnie and Neil.
AT: 1424.87
YTD: 284.07
Glad to see you guys made it safely back home, Bonnie and Neil.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 376, Sunday, March 8
Brody and I got our two walks in today. What with church and running up and down the stairs doing laundry, etc, I came up with 4.44 miles for the day.
AT: 1420.33
YTD: 279.53
AT: 1420.33
YTD: 279.53
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Day 375, Saturday, March 7
It snowed on and off all day today. Bitter cold walk this morning. This afternoon we caught a brief window of sunshine in between squalls. 4.52 miles total.
AT: 1415.89
YTD: 275.09
AT: 1415.89
YTD: 275.09
Friday, March 6, 2009
Day 374, Friday, March 6
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 373, Thursday March 5
This is a perpost, so I can get some more pictures in.
A picture from the top of Mt Lincoln, looking out over the Pemi Wilderness.
alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5309665525908271282" />
Here is the Lonesome Lake hut from a hike Bonnie and I did in 07.

Here is a happy hiker on the way up to the hut.
A picture from the top of Mt Lincoln, looking out over the Pemi Wilderness.

Here is the Lonesome Lake hut from a hike Bonnie and I did in 07.
Here is a happy hiker on the way up to the hut.
Day 372, Wednesday, March 4
The neighbor with the Bijon-Shitzu says I don't need to turn around if I see her down the road. She thinks she can protect her dog from mine. Heh. I think she's underestimating Brody! We'd gone nearly as far this morning as I'd meant to, anyway. I got a bit of a walk at noon (a bit of drizzle again), and longer with the pup after work (dry by then, but cold and windy). Today: 4.32 miles
AT: 1403.62
YTD: 262.82
AT: 1403.62
YTD: 262.82
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 371, Tuesday, March 3
Kinda slept in this morning, so Brody was back to a shorter walk before work. At noon I walked in what only can be described as raining slush--I was smart enough to grab an umbrella. After work it was clear, so I got a good walk in with the pup. 4.17 miles total.
AT: 1399.30
YTD: 258.5
AT: 1399.30
YTD: 258.5
Monday, March 2, 2009
Day 370, Monday, March 2
So after making a big deal about the days being off after a year on the trail, I noticed that on March first I was recording my steps on February 27. Two days out in only two months! I found one of my missing days on a scrap of paper on my dresser (I'd forgotten to record the steps before bedtime, then jotted a note and cleared the pedometer without actually recording it on the spreadsheet). The other missing day is just plain missing, but I haven't walked less than 2.5 miles a day in weeks, so I'm just calling my second missing day as 2.5 (low, I'm certain). I'll pay better attention now to what day I'm recording!
Today Brody got two walks plus I walked in the rain at noon hour. (Fun.) 5.44 miles today.
AT: 1395.13
YTD: 254.33
Today Brody got two walks plus I walked in the rain at noon hour. (Fun.) 5.44 miles today.
AT: 1395.13
YTD: 254.33
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Day 369, Sunday March 1
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