Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 401, thursday April 2

I am getting really really tired of cold and rain and snow. More snow today, diminishing my enthusiasm for all three walks. Got 3.29 miles in spite of it all.

AT: 1533.13
YTD: 392.33


neils said...

Had a nice day here, ran 3.5 miles, around 50 degrees, way a really big hawk perched on a tree next to the parking lot. In the evening went into Boston with Bonnie for the MFA exhibit on Venesian painting. Walked 2 miles to the museum and back, not sure how far we walked in the place. Interesting collection.

Total: 5.5
AT: 1,956

Bonnie said...

4.4 miles Wednesday and Thursday. If the pedometer's right, we walked .7 in and around the museum. Big place. Great paintings.

April: 4.4
year: 205.8
AT: 922.8