Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 131, Thursday, July 10

Hey, good to see Claire and Kat again. I'm mostly just keeping on trucking every day too, with occasional lapses.

Yesterday I got my 6:45 am walk in, and planned my second walk for noon hour. However, my daughter wound up in town and we went out for lunch, so I made her walk with me in the evening to make up for it! Steps: 9964

Today the early walk was cooler as it was cloudy. By noon it was muggy but I walked again anyway. Aquafit in the evening. We wondered if it might get canceled as it's an outdoor pool and a storm went through just before, but it cleared off enough to enjoy the workout. Steps: 9106

AT: 460.1
YTD: 557.2


neils said...

Getting some excercise in and out of meetings. Ran 3.5 first thing in the morning, and then 1.5 mile walk with Bonnie before bed. Friday should be somewhat back to normal.

Total: 5
AT: 710.5

Bonnie said...

Beautiful day. You'd think I could have used it for something more than sitting on the deck I did the usual 1.6 miles after dinner on the patio at our favorite restaurant *g*

July: 25.1
AT: 272.6
YTD: 322.7