Friday, July 18, 2008

Day 138, Thursday July 17

Not much, just a walk in the evening with Neil after a very nice dinner at the Nashoba Winery. Yes, we have grapes in Massachusetts, but this winery specializes in fruit wines -- apple, cherry, pear, strawberry-rhubarb, blueberry, elderberry, etc. ect. I discovered that "perry," a drink occasionally mentioned in historical fiction, is a nice sparkling pear wine, and that elderberry-blueberry wine makes a phenomenal glaze for lamb chops.

July: 42.1
AT: 289.6
YTD: 337.7

1 comment:

neils said...

I have to say the dry pear wine was my favorite, but the cherry wine wasn't bad.

Ran 3.5 at lunch, and walked with Bonnie 1.5 Fairly normal day.

Total: 5
AT; 755.5