Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 368, Saturday, February 28

Howdy, howdy. Got a little bit of walking in this weekend doing flea market stuff.

Here's the latest: 6332 steps for 3.39 miles

AT miles: 1017.99

YTD miles: 138.13

Virtual Walk miles: 1115.81

Breakfast with the kids and grandkids tomorrow, then we head back home.


Margaret M. Fisk said...

Steps: 1115
PED Miles: 0.46
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 0.46
YTD Total: 129.45
AT Total: 1018.55
Virtual Walk Total: 1080.21

I drove many miles to my guitar lesson and walked almost not at all :p.

neils said...

Forecast says more than a foot of snow tomorrow, so I say, what spring?

Friday ran 3.5 at noon and 1.5 mile walk in the evening.

Saturday we tried to do the pond, but the trail was a sheet of ice and we forgot our microspikes, so just did 1.5 around the block, and ran 3. Also did 1 mile walk to symphony in the evening.

Total: 10.5
AT: 1,796.5

Bonnie said...

Hi Jean, looks like you're keeping up the pace!

I came down with another draggy cold but managed to walk and go to the symphony anyway. 3.1 miles. That puts me a mile over my target of 77 miles for the month. Woohoo!

February: 78.1
and year: 149.9
AT: 867.9