Since I'm just about there, here are some pictures from on top of North Kinsman peak. They are looking south, north and east toward the Franconia range (in the clouds). That is where the trail is headed.
Welcome to Walking to Somewhere, a virtual hike where we plot our mileage against a common goal to give each other group support and encouragement.
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Beautiful pics, Neil! Brr, cold though. But that's here, too. Snowed again today. Yesterday Brody got his 2 walks and the rest of my steps were helping Jim install another set of upper cabinets in the kitchen. Only one more pair to go... anyway, Saturday: 4.29 miles.
Today I walked Brody in the morning and after lunch (and after it stopped snowing) we three went for a walk along Duck Lake. Slushy, not muddy, thankfully. 4.88 miles.
AT: 1382.45
YTD: 241.65
Those are beautiful pictures :). Gives us something to look forward to.
Steps: 4775
PED Miles: 1.98
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 1.98
YTD Total: 131.43
AT Total: 1020.53
Virtual Walk Total: 1082.19
Miserable day, cold drizzle. Ran errands and walked indoors for a while, but couldn't make the count.
Bonnie wasn't feeling good, so walked 1.5 in the late morning and ran 3 miles in the afternoon.
Monday morning there is 5 inches of snow out there and its coming down hard. The expect about a foot, and shouldn't be over freezing till Thursday. Burrrr
Total: 4.5
AT: 1,801
By my estimates I should be about exactly at the Lonesome Lake Hut. Erica was the care taker there when I stopped by on Valentines day. So nice company to wait out the storm. I head down the Cascade Brook trail once the weather clears.
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