Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 373, Thursday March 5

This is a perpost, so I can get some more pictures in.

A picture from the top of Mt Lincoln, looking out over the Pemi Wilderness.
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Here is the Lonesome Lake hut from a hike Bonnie and I did in 07.

Here is a happy hiker on the way up to the hut.


Bonnie said...

*waves feebly from sickbed*

Good thing Neil got me to that nice hut, huh? I'm not looking nearly as good as I do in the picture...

Valerie Comer said...

Nice photos, Neil! And you do look great there, Bonnie. Hope you feel better soon. Like all the way better.

I was a bit shy of steps on all three walks today, so landed up with 3.41. It sleeted this morning, was *only* windy at noon, and hubby came along after work despite a sore back, so short there. And now it is howling wind and freezing out.

Oh spring, where art thou...

AT: 1407.03
YTD: 266.23

I think that puts me officially at 2/3 done the AT! :D

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Very nice photos :).

And HUGS bonnie. Feel better soon.

Me, I laugh at Val's not many miles :p.

Steps: 8232
PED Miles: 3.41
Non-PED Miles: 0
Total Miles: 3.41
YTD Total: 141.48
AT Total: 1030.58
Virtual Walk Total: 1092.24

Did good walking today. Didn't see much that I remember, but I walked…

neils said...

Was cold this morning but ran out side any way 3 miles. Walked 1 at noon.

We are off to visit my Mom in Michigan this weekend, so probably won't post again till Tuesday. Have a good weekend.

Total: 4
AT: 1,830