Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 396, Saturday, March 28

Pup and I did the morning walk, then worked in the yard, raking and hauling branches to the burning pile. Word to the wise: golden willows are gorgeous trees but every wind prunes it some. I was pretty sore after a couple hours of yard work and so, because Brody had been outside with me most of that time, we went for only a short walk just before supper. And I need muscle relaxers before bed! Today: 4.94 miles.

AT: 1511.10
YTD: 370.30

Hey, Bonnie? Where's the shelter list for the next section of the Trail? I'm in uncharted territory here!

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

There you go, Val. Hope you're enjoying Massachusetts -- lots of pretty territory out there in the Berkshires. Hugs on the sore back.

I felt good enough to walk around the pond for the first time in about a month. Woohoo! 3.4 miles total.

March: 43.1
and year: 193.0
AT: 910.0