Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 125, Friday July 4

We're both still under the weather, so didn't do much, just a couple of walks around the neighborhood.

July: 8.8
AT: 256.3
YTD: 306.4


neils said...

Walk with Bonnie in the morning 1.5, ran in the afternoon 3.0, bug must be coming back, because it felt like a forced march. And then we did the walk around the block in the evening 1.5.

Looks like Saturday will be walking in and out of the rain, but we'll see.

Total: 6
AT: 679

Valerie Comer said...

Thursday a walk in the morning--you know, it's plenty warm at 6:45 am already. Wow. At lunchtime I walked to the library and back to the shop. Scorcher. Total steps (highest in quite awhile!!): 9341

Friday, walked in the morning. We'd had a blitz of a thunderstorm about 5:00 am so it was a tad cooler. The rest of the steps were from cleaning and yard work: 7183

AT: 437.84
YTD: 534.94

Valerie Comer said...

Forgot to mention Hanna is teaching Aquafit Tuesday and Thursday evenings for the summer. I went Thursday, but I have no idea how to calculate that into steps, so I won't. Suffice to say I worked out for an hour reasonably hard but that she kept an eye on me so I didn't try to be a hero. :P