Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 135, Monday July 14

Mostly a recovery day, actually it was supposed to rain all day, but luckly there were only a few sprinkles. Ran 3.5 at lunch and walked 1.5 in the evening with Bonnie.

Total: 5
AT: 731


Bonnie said...

A routine Monday -- half a mile of errands and 1.6 in the evening, for 2.1 miles. I wasn't nearly as sore as I expected to be, but sore enough.

July: 36.8
AT: 284.3
YTD: 332.4

Valerie Comer said...

Monday--morning walk and a bit at noon, in between stores. It was a bit warmish for brisk! I'd thought another walk in the evening but we watched a movie right through the prime walking time. Total for the day 7596 steps/3.12 miles.

AT: 473.41
YTD: 570.51