So what are we all up to? I've got a box of Hershey bars. Did anybody bring the graham crackers? Who's got the marshmallows? Time to party down!
Welcome to Walking to Somewhere, a virtual hike where we plot our mileage against a common goal to give each other group support and encouragement.
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I'm plodding along. I had hoped to reach 500 miles this month but didn't even come close. Should make it easily in October, however, with a little help from hiking in Cyprus and walking in Rome, Athens, Alexandria...
I notice this months camp fire has chairs, while that is more comfortable, seems like a lot to carry.
At one point Bonnie and I were going to go on a long hike this weekend. But the Red Sox are on late night TV on Friday, we have a Symphony Saturday night and then tickets to the Sox game on Sunday night, so it looks like our only hiking will be of the urban kind.
Speaking of urban hiking I've found over the years that hiking on concrete is much more wearing on my knees than walking on pavement or (obviously) on dirt. Seems to really make a difference, but people tend not to like it when I'm walking in the street.
On that note I'll hike my piano up the mountain and play for a while around the camp fire.
I think a trail angel brought the stuff to a parking lot. One of those mountaintops where you hike up one side and drive up the other. They can bring your piano, too :D
Ah, I'm enjoying the piano playing here on top of the mountain. There are shooting stars, and hints of northern lights.
Best of all, I cannot hear the cows bellowing from here :)
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