Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 281, Wednesday December 3

Well blogger just craped out on my post, so I'll try again.

Ran 3.5 at noon and walked 1.5 in the evening with Bonnie. Generally a nice day.

I think I've found the problem with my sore knee, seems to be related to a pair of sneakers I bought before the last vacation. Have to see over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Valerie Comer said...

Ah, Neil--the wrong shoes can sure make a mess. I love my new ones! My feet are happier already.

This week I've managed to crank myself out of bed at 6:30 and walk even though it is PITCH DARK. Armed with a headlamp and a reflective vest, I feel almost safe. And pup needs to stay on the leash because I can't find him if he's off!

Mar made me a new spreadsheet for keeping track in 2009, so I'm all set. Wednesday: 3.37 miles.

AT: 1052.5
YTD: 1149.6