Here's the pointer if anybody's interested in visiting in the real world.
Welcome to Walking to Somewhere, a virtual hike where we plot our mileage against a common goal to give each other group support and encouragement.
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Here's the pointer if anybody's interested in visiting in the real world.
Yes, there are deer in the back and many chickadees in the trees, as well as woodpeckers, titmice, finches, blue jays, cardinals and many other beautiful birds.
As the Owner of Deer Pine Lodge, I thank you for mentioning our cabin in your blog. Have you stayed at Deer Pine Lodge or stayed with other people who visited?
You would get a lot of writing done while hearing the birds, branches blowing in the wind, or hearing the peacefulness of the woods. Nature has a way of inspiring our creative juices.
We also have an internet connection. In January, Deer Pine Lodge will have WIFI throughout. Currently, we have a cable modem. Yes, a nice drink and an internet connection would be wonderful!
Thank you again for pointing to our website.
Marian, Owner, http://www.cabinsplusmore.com
Wow, thanks for finding us, we havn't visited, but it certainly looks nice and we'd like to stop by some day.
No, I haven't visited, it just looked so lovely I wanted to daydream about being there. (Found it on Google.)
Your kind post makes me think the owner is another asset of this lovely retreat. I think you will see me some day :D
Hi, Marian! And thanks for noticing us. We just keep plodding along here, and it's nice to feel welcomed somewhere *real*!
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