Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 314, Monday, January 5

Okay....It's good and cold in Texas today, and we don't have heat on the first floor of the house. A part is on order, and we're pricing a new heating/cooling system. Hubby got two gas heaters we have working, and by afternoon, the two rooms we use most on the first floor were nearly as warm as we usually keep the house. The living room, dining room, and downstairs bathroom were about...41F. Thank heaven for wooden toilet seats.

Hershey did take me out for a walk resulting in 20 minutes of aerobic steps, but I still had my worst step day this year: 3930 steps for 2.1 miles.

AT miles: 898.87

YTD miles: 19.01

Virtual Walk miles: 996.69


Valerie Comer said...

Good day today. I'm so glad the days are getting noticeably longer. Walked Brody for 20 minutes before work, walked to the library at noon, walked Brody for another 25 after work. 11891 steps/ 4.89 miles.

AT: 1159.54
YTD: 18.74

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Hugs, Jean. I'm not having a grand year myself so far.

Steps: 3517
PED Miles: 1.46
Non-PED Miles: 1
Total Miles: 2.46
YTD Total: 13.11
AT Total: 902.21
Virtual Walk Total: 963.87

Sigh. Just missed again. Joined SparkPeople cause of Val and spent way too much time trying to record my work. You'll have to tell me how. I did go for a short walk but it's VERY cold out there.

neils said...

Burr, cold all over. Managed to get out for a 3.5 mile run at noon and walked 1.5 with Bonnie in the evening.

Meetings from 8-1 so not sure what will happen today and tomorrow is supposed to be an ice storm.

Total: 5
AT: 1,552

Bonnie said...

brrr, Jean, that's cold. I'm glad you got some heat working!

I had 2.2 miles, neither good nor bad, though not as much as I'd like. (Is it ever? :D)

January and year: 9.7
AT: 727.7

Jean said...

Margaret, SparkPeople is tedious to get set up. Get anything you're going to use more than once saved to a Favorite and use those. Food is incredibly tedious to record, even with a Favorites. I usually use the quick track feature for vegies and water.

I do record steps. I like the streak tracking capability. That's kind of fun, but taking a three month hiatus from the site killed some good streaks I had going.