Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 329, Tuesday January 20

Four miles to and from art class plus morning errands and the usual around-the-house steps.

January and year: 50.1
AT: 767.1


Valerie Comer said...

Brody got the bare minimum before work because I took too much time getting supper in the slow cooker. But then I got a good walk over noon hour (COLD though) and took Brody for his full walk after work. Jim has the flu so I let him off. And stayed away from him! :P

Today: 5.24 miles
AT: 1216.5
YTD: 75.7

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Nice for both of you, Bonnie and Val :).

Me, I had a poor performance day...

Steps: 2211
PED Miles: 0.92
Non-PED Miles: 0.75
Total Miles: 1.67
YTD Total: 62.17
AT Total: 951.27
Virtual Walk Total: 1012.93

Didn't go for a walk today, just miscellaneous pacing, but did do my SparkPeople exercises at least.

neils said...

Managed to get out for a 3 mile run between meetings and did pilates in t he evening. Stayed up late finishing "House of Sand and Fog", don't think it was worth it.

Total: 3
AT: 1,612