Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 311, Friday, January 2, 2009

Steps: 2261
PED Miles: 0.94
Non-PED Miles: 1.75
Total Miles: 2.69
YTD Total: 5.53
AT Total: 894.63
Virtual Walk Total: 956.29

Did a small walk in Home Depot but it's been raining on and off all day so got my exercise on the WII playing left and right simultaneously again. Crazy!


neils said...

Ran 3 miles and walked 1.5 in the evening. Nice day all in all, but feeling a little cabin feverish.

Sunny and windy today, plan on a longish walk near Cedar Hill, we'll see how that goes.

neils said...

Forgot to total mileage.

Total: 4.5
AT: 1,536.5

Valerie Comer said...

Friday morning God was busy rearranging the previous day's snow with a nasty north wind, but it settled down enough in the afternoon that Brody and I did our walk to the irrigation channel and back. The rest of my steps were cooking, cleaning and evening party steps. 2.58 miles.

AT: 1145.33
YTD: 4.53