Monday, June 2, 2008

Day 94, Monday June 2

The usual Monday half mile of errands and 1.6 miles of evening walk, for 2.1 total.

AT: 190.8
June: 6.3
YTD: 237.2


Margaret M. Fisk said...

Steps: 8556
PED Miles: 3.37
Non-PED Miles: 1.5
Total Miles: 4.87
AT: 262.21
YTD Total: 326.79

Actually got in two walks today, though neither were 2 miles, and did my thirty minutes on the WII. Crazy day this has been :). Guess it all balances out though cause I only managed 1.74 yesterday.

neils said...

Ran 3 miles a noon, cut it short to have time to lift and get to meetings. Walked 1.5 with Bonnie in the evening. Nothing special to report, but the flowers are really beautiful this year.

Total: 4.5
AT: 496