Campfire time! Bring funny stories, scary stories, pictures of what you've seen or wish you'd seen, laments of how sore your feet are and how far behind you are, etc. etc. etc.
We'll keep the fire going until Thursdya this time to increase the chances everybody can sit with us for a while.
Last campfire I mentioned the northern most AT shelter I've stayed at. Today I'll mention the southern most one that I've visited. This was Kinsman Ridge shelter. Its on a very nice pond that over looks North Kinsman Mountain. Its the last shelter before you start the serious hikes through the White Mountains in NH.
I went on a long hike through there, did about 12 miles that day. The wierdest part was when I was coming down from Cannon Mountain. The trail started to get thin and I thought I was lost. I doubled back, but couldn't find any other place to go so I continued.
All of a sudden there was a sheer rock wall going down several hunderd feet, and a ladder hanging from the top of the ridge. The top was bolted to the rocks but the bottom wasn't, and it swayed as I put a foot on it. Also based on the distance between rungs this ladder was designed for someone talker then 5' 7". It was going to be a long long way if I doubled back, so there was really no other options.
I climbed down the ladder, constantly telling myself "don't look down, one foot after the other".
Fortunately I made it down with no insident. Unfortunately that was the weekend Kat ended up in the hospital and I didn't find out about it till late at night when I finally got home.
(if you were wondering Bonnie was out of town on a writing conference).
Yes, I'm still around. And again, I had to add up my time and check what I last posted.
7 more miles.
AT: 100
YTD: 146
Yeah, not very impressive but these are the only ones I can account for. I forget to put gizmo on to mark time. Bad me.
Looks like I'm between Mollies Ridge and Russell Field Shelters. I'm enjoying the open air. The nights are crisp and cool, and I find it easier to sleep outside for now.
Thought I'd include a picture of some of the sights I saw during the month.
This is the ocean off Newport
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