Sunday, April 13, 2008

Day 44, Sunday 13 April

Another walk around the pond, in light drizzle today. Not much else out except a couple of people walking their dogs.

today: 2.5
AT: 96.2
ytd: 139.5

The trail angels at Naked Fish helped us out with a birthday dinner for Steven tonight, but I'm still a long way to the next shelter. I think I'll just roll out my nice cozy sleeping bag and turn in early...


Valerie Comer said...

This was the first morning I took off my hoodie during my walk. It might really be spring! (Then I check the forecast and see we might get more snow this week, so skip that.)

Went for the usual walk first thing, down to the irrigation ditch at the end of our road. The highlight is always lots of birds, the noisiest of whom are the red-winged blackbirds. Of course I have to scare the ducks, but today a pair of great blue herons beat the ducks off the water. Robins, flickers, hawks, LBBs* and bald eagles most days as well.

This afternoon we drove over the mountain to visit my sis's family and my mom, so didn't get more serious walking in.

Today: 7277 steps/ 2.99 miles
AT: 158.59
YTD: 255.69

*Little Brown Birds

Margaret M. Fisk said...

Happy Birthday to Steven, Bonnie :).

And now I know where our heron is :). Yes, the warm weather has hit here too. I'm standing at my desk at 10pm with the window open. The boys almost went into shock when they saw me wandering around the house in just my turtle neck. It got up to 80 today.

Steps: 7082
Total Miles: 2.79
AT: 133.51
YTD Total: 198.09

Only got one walk today. Day kinda slipped away from me. Then I turned that 2.17 miles into 2.79 on pacing alone :p.

neils said...

Saturday; walk around pond 2.5, went running (still managing to miss rain) 3. Then 1 mile walk in the evening to a camp fire. Amazing that Evgeny Kissin can carry his piano with him and then play so nicely for all the hikers.

Sunday, went for a walk around the pond with Bonnie 2.5, took Steven golfing for his birthday 2.0. Saw a red fox who lives at the golf course. Since it was raining he seemed to have the run of the place.

Total 11
AT: 186.5

meowser said...

Saturday was a beautiful day and I was able to get a walk in in the morning. It was my first walk all year not wearing the cold weather clothes. Not only that, but by the end, I was wishing I was wearing an even lighter short-sleeved shirt!! I think that spring might actually happen! I hope Steven enjoyed the weather for his birthday golfing trip.

Sunday was just a regular work day. But soon I'll be getting more walking in at work.

Saturday: 3.25 miles
Sunday: 2.62 miles
AT: 120 miles!!