Thursday, May 22, 2008

Day 83, Thursday 22 May 2008

Tonight was David's final National Honor Society induction and awards ceremony. We walked from the middle school (where the auditorium is) to Starbucks and back while we were waiting for events to start. That was about two miles. I had about half a mile this morning. Yesterday I didn't do much because my foot hurt, maybe half a mile. So three miles for yesterday and today.

AT: 163.0
May: 44.0
YTD: 211.4


Valerie Comer said...

Let's see, it's been a few days since I checked in again. I'm back to my morning walk this week, so that helps. Tuesday was 7598 steps. Wednesday I also walked to the library at noon for a total of 10244 steps. Today I got a bit of a walk at noon with my sis-in-law and after birthday dinner with Jim in town for a total of 10756.

AT: 301.06
YTD: 398.16

neils said...

Congrats to Val on joining the 300 club :)

Stayed on the bike again today 10.81, with the jog between buildings rounding to 11. 2 mile walk with Bonnie to NHS.

Total: 13
AT: 433

Wendy said...

I'm going out of town this weekend so I figured I'd better get my current numbers in here.

AT: 177.15
YTD: 224.33

See y'all next week!

meowser said...

3.1 miles of just regular walking at work.

AT: 197.3 miles. Almost at the 200 mile mark!