Another month under our belts and another bunch of miles under our feet. Sit down and roast a few marshmallows! How's it going? Seen any exciting sights? I think our best was the beaver dam and lodge at Greeley Ponds last week.
This image was originally posted to Flickr by ninahale at http://flickr.com/photos/94693506@N00/195879959. This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License. Thank you, Nina, whoever you are.
Hm, now that spring is upon us, Jim and I took a hike to the top of the mountain that borders our valley to the east last Sunday afternoon. It is *only* 2.5 km to the top, but it was brutally steep for my flatlander leg muscles. My calves screamed all the way up (lots of rest stops--I pretended it was all to take photos of flowers :P )and my knees screamed all the way down. Ouch.
Apparently walking every single day doesn't mean I'm in shape. Who knew?
Yeah, but think of what your knees would have been saying if you *hadn't* been walking every week!
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