Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 17

Several short walks today netted me 8647 steps/ 3.2 miles for a February total of 51.1

How was your day?


Margaret M. Fisk said...

Wow, Val, that's a lot for short walks :).

Steps: 8291
Miles: 3.27
Total so far: 45.75 (Almost there :))

Walked through a casino, got lost, and collected 1.6 miles :). Then went on an evening walk which was uneventful. No one except the usual crowd and none of the spectaculars. And finally played on the WII. Not bad for a day when I have a cold...just annoying, not drop dead.

Wendy said...

I forgot my pedometer again. Last Sunday I did 1.5 miles, so that's what I'm claiming for yesterday even though I know I did more. I had rehearsal with the bluegrass band after church and then put the sound equipment away by myself instead of coming home and reading a book, but I really don't have a way to guesstimate more accurately, so it'll do. At least I'm over 30 miles total. (Barely.)

Maripat said...

yes, I'm posting late. 3 miles for a total 42 miles.

Jean said...

I've got you beat for late posting, Maripat. I shut the computer down shortly after the tornado sirens yesterday and didn't feel like powering it back up. I'm fine. We had a lot of damage in a community north or town where I'm pretty sure some of our faculty and students live (I would have lived there if I'd have found a place). Today I'm gathering household items I know I don't really need in anticipation of having one or more people I know who became homeless last night.

I did get some walking in yesterday:

4850 steps for 2.2 miles. On the aerobic side -- 2281 steps in 23 minutes.

Grand total: 57.3