Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Day 308, Tuesday December 30
Steps: 5601
PED Miles: 2.32
Total Miles: 2.32
AT: 886
YTD Total: 948
One good sized walk and a beautiful look at the harrier, but nothing after that. The day just vanished :p.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Day 307, Monday December 29
AT: 1134.44
YTD: 1231.54
Day 306, Sunday 28 December
Total: 6
Sunday was warm so we walked around the pond 2.5, while there was a lot of melting it was still a frozen trail with lots of ice, progress was slow and lots of twisting of ankles, but a nice walk. After the Pats were eliminated, rode the stationary bike 5.7 miles.
Total: 8
AT: 1,509.5
Finally into Massachusetts, only about 90 miles from home, if that makes sense :)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Day 305, Saturday 27 December
December: 60.7
AT: 702.7
Year: 756.0
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Day 304, Friday December 26
Total: 5.5
AT: 1,497.5
I think I see Massachusetts just up a head, Lonesome Lake in the White Mountains reports 2 feet of snow, so it could be rough traveling up ahead.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Day 303, December 25, Thursday
This evening my daughter and I went for a short walk along the slippery side street, but it was nice to get out a bit. Of course we're eating too much and doing too little (due to weather as well as my ankle)...
AT: 1127.76
YTD: 1224.86
Day 302, Wednesday December 24
Tuesday managed to get out for a 3.5 mile run, but no walk in the evening as after work Bonnie and I drove up to Waterville Valley go to skiing the next day, we got stuck in traffice and didn't get ther till late.
Wednesday was a good day of skiing, temps around 30, started to have light rain around 2:00, but by then we were too tired to do much more anyway. Skiing doesn't seem to be too good for my knee, I guess that is what the doctor said about only doing activities that go strieght ahead.
Not sure what to put down for 4 hours of skiing, but had 8 long runs from the top of the mountain, and a number of shorter ones. So chauck it up to 8 miles. In the evening Bonnie and I walked 1 mile.
Total: 12.5
AT: 1,489
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Day 300, Monday December 22
Total: 3
AT: 1,476.5
Monday, December 22, 2008
Day 299, Sunday December 21
But all was not lost, on Saturday Bonnie and I went on our 1.5 mile walk before the roads started to get really slick, and then I went snow shoeing for 70 minutes, we have 70 acres of wet land behind us, that is good for snow shoeing once there is over 8 inches of snow. I estimate about 2+ miles.
Went out again on Sunday and did the same loop, saw some snowmobilers, so there really was a lot of snow! No wild animals, but really beautiful with all that snow.
Total: 5.5
AT: 1,473.5
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Day 297, Friday December 19
Hope the ankle heals fast.
Pedometer, now that's a stocking stuffer idea :)
Total: 3.5
AT: 1,468
Friday, December 19, 2008
Day 296, Thursday December 18
Total: 3.5
AT: 1,464.5
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Day 295, Wednesday Dec 17
Wednesday a bit warmer. That's a relative term meaning it can start to snow (and has done so). Quick walk before work with the mutt. Sprained my ankle at noon (slipped on the slushy ice and went down hard), so there will be precious little walking until that heals better. 1.27 miles for the day.
AT: 1116.54
YTD: 1213.64
PS. Apparently I'm holed up at Darlington Shelter in Pennsylvania. (I went a mile past and doubled back, because it's cold and I need a place to rest my ankle.)
Day 294, Tuesday 16 December
Total: 1.5
AT: 1,449
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Day 293, Monday 15 December
Steps: 5454
PED Miles: 2.26
Non-PED Miles: 1.8
Total Miles: 4.06
AT: 848
YTD Total: 909
I declared it much too cold and snowy (active snowfall most of the day) to go out, so did 36 minutes on WII Fit…then my hubby came home at the first real break in the snow and since my youngest had charged me $5 to shovel the walk, he decided we should go walking instead. It was fun tromping through the snow :). Never did get back to do my planned 30 minutes on WII Tennis, but I didn't really need it either.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Day 292, Sunday 14 December
December: 33.3
AT: 674.3
Year: 725.6
Day 291, Saturday Dec 13
Thursday we hiked to Eagle Falls--the rocks were very cool but the water a bare trickle!--did some shopping, then hiked some more in search of an old lighthouse. 6.7 miles.
Friday we loaded up to head back to Reno but found a trail along the east shore of Lake Tahoe that begged for a quick hike. Mar dropped me off at the airport and I got a wee bit more steppage in the Reno and Seattle airports. Arrived in Spokane to a blizzard. 4.1 miles.
Saturday we'd stayed overnight in Cd'A due to the horrid roads, drove home, found the water frozen. I did take Brody for a shortish walk due to the -15C blowing snow--but we both needed out anyway. 2.32 miles.
AT: 1107.57
YTD: 1204.67
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Day 290, Friday December 12
Total: 7.5
AT: 1,431.5
Friday, December 12, 2008
Day 289, Thursday December 11
Total: 3
AT: 1,424
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Day 288, Wednesday December 10
Total: 4.5
AT: 1,421
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Day 287, Tuesday December 9
Total: 7
AT: 1,416.5
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Day 286, Monday December 8
Total: 1.5
AT: 1,409.5
Monday, December 8, 2008
Day 285, Sunday December 7
Sunday we walked four miles in her wilderness and then random more shopping and sight-seeing along Lake Tahoe. 6.59 miles (a photo album started at FB)
AT: 1074.07
YTD: 1171.17
Friday, December 5, 2008
Day 283 Friday December 5
I imagine tomorrow will be low and I won't be wearing the pedometer in the airport. So be it.
AT: 1061.87
YTD: 1158.97
Day 282, Thursday December 4
Val, I remember the discussion about your getting new shoes, but I didn't hear what you finally got?
Yesterday was a fairly normal day, the rain held off and it was warm enough to run in shorts 3.5 at noon. Only walked 1 mile in the evening with Bonnie because the cat decided to join us.
Total: 4.5
AT: 1,390
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Day 281, Wednesday December 3
Ran 3.5 at noon and walked 1.5 in the evening with Bonnie. Generally a nice day.
I think I've found the problem with my sore knee, seems to be related to a pair of sneakers I bought before the last vacation. Have to see over the next few weeks.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Day 280, Tuesday December 2
AT: 1049.13
YTD: 1146.23
Day 279, Monday December 1
Sore knee again today, so I think it will just be walking.
Total: 5
AT: 1,377.5
Monday, December 1, 2008
November/December campfire

Here's the pointer if anybody's interested in visiting in the real world.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day 278 Sunday November 30
Thursday, regular day with a morning and after-work walk and a short one at noon hour: 4.07 miles.
Friday, took the day off work. Walked Brody EARLY, well before dawn, then we drove to Nelson to help Hanna set up her artisan faire booth. Jim headed home later and I stayed. Walked around the faire, playing gramma to the five-month-old baby of the folks at the booth-next-door. Total: 3.89 miles. (Oh, we also went shopping and each bought new walking shoes! New Balance 977s--country walkers (or light hikers): leather with Gore-Tex lining.)
Saturday, a bit of walking around the faire again, then a ride home with my niece. Jim and I walked Brody: 3.32 miles for the day.
Sunday, a good walk with the pup first thing in the morning, then a long walk at the wildlife centre in the afternoon (photos at FaceBook). Total today: 6.17 miles.
AT: 1039.7 miles
YTD: 1136.80 miles
Day 277, Saturday November 29
Total: 5.5
AT: 1,364
I'm in New York now, as I check the trail ahead there are 6 inches of snow as you enter the White Mountains in New Hampshire at the Lonesome Lake shelter. Could be a challenge getting through later this year.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day 276, Friday November 28
On to holiday shoping!
Total 4.5
AT: 1,358.5
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day 275, Thursday November 27
Total: 4.5
Thursday was US Thanksgiving day, the boys were over, going to visit Kat tomorrow. Went for 1.5 mile walk with Bonnie in the morning, then did 3 mile run. Bonnie was feeling restless after getting the turkey on, so walked another mile. Then in the evening trying to clear out my headache and walked a final mile. Head is a little better today.
Total: 6.5
AT: 1,354
A quick hope for the safety and well being of all those in India.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Day 274 Wednesday November 26
AT: 1022.25
YTD: 1119.35
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day 273, Tuesday November 25
Total: 10.5
AT: 1,343
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Day 272, Monday November 24
Total: 5
AT: 1,332.5
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Day 271, Sunday November 23
AT: 1011.08
YTD: 1108.18
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Day 270 Saturday November 22
**Looks around.
Looks suspiciously like the Kootenays, still. Amazing, that.
Jim has a course all weekend so Brody and I walked to the river and back this morning. Did some yard work today, it was actually a fairly decent day for late November. Jim got out earlier than he thought and we drove a few miles to get a different dirt road to walk along--anything but ours for the millionth time! It takes a fair bit to wear the puppy down. 5.24 miles today.
AT: 1003.54 <--------see that? :D
YTD: 1100.64
Day 269, Friday November 21
Bonnie went for a walk at noon so I went in the evening by myself 1.5.
Total: 8.5
AT: 1,317.5
Friday, November 21, 2008
Day 268, Thursday November 20
Wednesday ran 3.5 at noon. We had drinks after work and Bonnie was not feeling good so no evening walk.
Thursday ran 3.5 at noon. Did Pilates in the evening and Bonnie rode the stationary bike (4 miles) so no walk that day either.
Total: 7
AT: 1,309
Definitly in NJ as I spent the night at Bink Road Shelter
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Day 267, Wednesday November 19
We watched a thing on tv tonight about the West Coast Trail. They allow 52 people a day to start the trail. 10% need to be rescued before they get to the other end. 25% limp away with some injury or another. Wow. We done good, eh? :grin:
AT: 991.15
YTD: 1088.25
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Day 266, Tuesday November 18
AT: 987.77 miles
YTD: 1084.87 miles
Day 265, Monday November 17
At least a mile in the airports, plus our usual walk after we got home. I called it 2.6 total.
November: 30.0
AT: 611.7
Year: 663.0
Monday, November 17, 2008
Day 264, Sunday November 16
This morning K and I swam a bunch of laps before heading out for the day's shopping, then we drove home later. 4.41 miles Sunday.
AT: 981.18
YTD: 1078.28
And I discovered that New Balance no longer makes the walking shoes I have and need a new pair of. I've got about 1200 miles on these and they're starting to wear out (go figure.) But they don't make a gore-tex walker any more, just a hiker. Do I want the hiker, or do I want a mesh walker that will allow the dew and mud in? Bleh. I want my old shoes again, just new.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Day 262, Friday November 14
AT: 971.38
YTD: 1068.48
Day 261, Thursday November 13
Total: 1.5
AT: 1,270.5
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Day 260, Wednesday November 12
AT: 964.36
YTD: 1061.46
Jean, I looked up your Ice Age Trail. Sounds interesting! I guess it will be awhile before any of us are ready for a new trail, but I'm ALMOST half done the Appalachian Trail! Another 9-10 months and I'll be done. The interesting thing at the other end will be whether we decide to wait for the critical mass of the group to catch up (fill in shorter hikes?) so we can start a new one all together? Dunno how this is going to work long term.
Who all is left? Bonnie, Neil, Jean, EJ, Mar (yeah I know she hasn't posted in eons but she's still in!), and me. Anyone else?
Day 259, Tuesday November 11
Total: 5
AT: 1,264.5
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Day 258, Monday November 10
Total: 5
AT: 1,259.5
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Day 257, Sunday November 9
Today: 6.95 miles
AT: 952.02
YTD: 1049.12
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Day 256, Saturday November 8
AT: 945.06
YTD: 1042.16
Friday, November 7, 2008
Day 255, Friday, November 7, 2008

AT: 940.2
YTD: 1037.3
I guess I'm somewhere between Tom Floyd Wayside and Front Royal, Virginia, so here's a photo of Front Royal to give a sense of place.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Day 254, Thursday November 6
AT: 935.69
YTD: 1032.79
Day 253, Wednesday November 5
Total: 1.5
AT: 1,234.5
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Day 252, Tuesday November 4
It was also misting at noon, but I walked half an hour. Then Jim and Brody and I walked after work. Pretty much full dark by the time we get home. All that added up to 5.37 miles.
AT: 925.74 (no, I haven't looked lately either to see where I am!)
YTD: 1022.84
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day 250, Monday, November3
Today I walked Brody first thing, then we all three walked after work. 3.18 miles.
AT: 920.36 miles
YTD: 1017.46 miles
Day 249, Sunday November 2
November: 7.1
AT: 577.8
Year: 622.0
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Day 248, Saturday November 1
Now only 6 pounds to loose from the vacation :(
Total: 6
AT: 1,216
Friday, October 31, 2008
Day 247, Friday, October 31
And I am officially over ONE THOUSAND MILES for the year. (You'd think I'd be skinnier...)
Today: 5.56 miles
AT: 906.39 miles
YTD: 1003.49
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Day 246 Thursday, October 30
Today: 3.84 miles
AT: 900.82
YTD: 997.92
WooTTTTT! Watch me roll those numbers in the next couple days! :D
Day 245 Wednesday October 29
Monday, 6.26 miles
Tuesday, 3.43 miles
Wednesday, 4.27 miles
Pretty much the same thing as usual: Puppy walks morning and evening, and on Monday, a noon hour walk as well.
AT: 896.98 miles
YTD: 994.08 miles
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Day 244, Tuesday Oct. 28
AT: 331.69
YTD: 378.87
Sure is quiet around here lately; just me and the crickets, apparently. :-)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Day 242 Sunday, October 26
AT: 883.02 miles
YTD: 980.12 miles
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Day 241, Saturday October 25
AT: 876.69
YTD: 973.79
Day 240, Friday Oct. 24
Friday, October 24, 2008
Day 239, Thursday October 23
AT: 868.74
YTD: 965.84
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Day 238 Wednesday October 22
Today was clear and COLD. Brody and I had a long brisk walk this morning and I went for a full hour walk at noon. Perfect weather. I needed that walk because I knew I was picking up groceries after work and would be home too late. Thankfully I was able to pull together a 4.74 mile day without it! (Jim walked Brody)
AT: 864.63 miles
YTD: 961.73 miles
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Day 236, Mon. Oct 20
AT: 316.81
YTD: 363.99
Monday, October 20, 2008
Day 235, Sun. Oct 19
AT: 314.81
YTD: 361.99
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Day 234, Sat. Oct 18
My steps, what few I had, came from shopping, baking, and cleaning the kitchen (twice--hubby did it after dinner). I got two trays of tomatoes going in the dehydrator, put 6 cups of chicken stock in the fridge so I can skim the fat off, and baked 4 dozen gingerbread cookies for the church potluck.
Today: 1.4
AT: 313.61
YTD: 360.79
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Day 233, Friday Oct. 17
MTD: 28.77
AT: 312.21
YTD: 359.39
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Day 232 Thursday October 16
Both days I took the pup out for our morning walk, had a walk by myself in town at noon, and an after-work walk with Jim and Brody. On Wednesday that netted me 4.93 miles, today 4.57.
AT: 839.33
YTD: 936.43
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Day 230, Tuesday October 14
Yesterday, went to the gym, rode the bike for 20 minutes 7.28 miles. Finished the lawn mowing, about a mile, but round the daily total to 8. Then a 1 mile walk with Bonnie in the evening.
Total: 9
AT: 1,205.5
Monday, October 13, 2008
Day 229, Thanksgiving Monday in Canada, Oct 13
Today: 4.14 miles
AT: 826.16 miles
YTD: 923.26
Day 228, Sunday October 12
Friday: 4.93 miles
Saturday: 3.08
Sunday 4.61
AT: 822.02
YTD: 919.12
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Day 226, Friday, October 10
AT miles: 728.03 miles
YTD miles: 825.86 miles
Our big walking should be behind us. The whole of Carlisle swap meet was 12.54 miles. We did that in one day and hiked 7.6 miles of that same stretch the day before.
I only hiked along for one day of Hershey and didn't quite do half of it: 9.03 miles. I stayed in the room and worked on writing the second day.
We're taking it easy, packing the truck, and preparing for hubby's Lanternvention tonight. While in NY, we found battery operated Halloween lanterns for favors for the subscribers who attend tonight.
Tomorrow, we begin the trek for home.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Day 225, Thursday October 9
Total: 3.5
AT: 1,174
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Day 224, Wednesday October 8
Today: 11002 steps, 4.52 miles (see, Bonnie, two decimal points are good!)
AT: 805.5
YTD: 902.60
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Day 223, Tuesday October7
Monday: 5.2 miles
Tuesday: 4.84 miles
AT: 800.97 miles
YTD: 898.07 miles
Day 222, Monday October 6
Total: 5
AT: 1,157.5
Monday, October 6, 2008
Day 221, Sunday October 5
Total : 4.5
AT: 1,152.5
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Day 220, Saturday October 4
AT: 787.42
YTD: 884.52
Happy Birthday to Neil and Bonnie's David and to my daughter Hanna.
Day 219, Friday October 3
Total 5.5
AT: 1,140
Friday, October 3, 2008
Day 218, Thursday October 2
Total: 5
AT: 1134.5
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Day 217, Wednesday October 1
Total: 3.7
AT: 1,129.5
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
September campfire
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Day 216, Tuesday September 30
Total: 6.75
AT: 1,125.75
Monday, September 29, 2008
Day 212 Sunday September 28
AT: 767.28
YTD: 864.38
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Day 211, Saturday Sept 27
AT: 761.2
YTD: 858.3
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Day 210, Friday September 26
Total: 7
AT: 1,106.5
Friday, September 26, 2008
Day 209 Thursday September 25
Yesterday I got a morning and evening walk as my noon hour was taken up with a hair appointment. Today was beautiful at noon and I got a good walk, turned out to be a good thing, as the weather turned ugly and our evening puppy walk got cut short. Poor Brody has been ricocheting off the walls inside this evening--he really needed a longer run!
Wednesday: 3.66 miles
Thursday: 4.96 miles
AT: 753.15
YTD: 850.25
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Day 208, Wednesday September 24
Total: 6
AT: 1,094.5
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Day 207, Tuesday September 23
Total: 4.5
AT: 1,088.5
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Day 206, Monday September 22
Total: 4.5
AT: 1,084
Monday, September 22, 2008
Day 205 Sunday September 21
Saturday, 3.55 miles.
Sunday, 3.47 miles.
AT: 735.36
YTD: 832.46
Hey, EJ, good to see you! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Day 203 Friday September 19
AT: 728.35
YTD: 825.45
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Day 202, Thursday Sept 18
Total: 5
AT: 1,064.5
Day 201, Wednesday Sept 17
Total: 2.5
AT: 1,059.5
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Day 200!!!!!! Tuesday Sept 16
So these two days, morning walk, noon hour walk, evening walk. Brody only gets two of those!
Monday, 5.38 miles. Tuesday, 4.82 miles.
AT: 717.81 miles
YTD: 814.91 miles
Look at us; we've been on the trail two hundred days now. I should feel more trail hardened and less saggy, methinks.
Day 199, Monday 15 September
September: 32.6
AT: 430.6
Year: 484.8
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day 198 Sunday September 14
It was a sunny summery day and nice to get outside.
AT: 707.61
YTD: 804.71
Day 197, Saturday September 13
AT: 703.92
YTD: 801.02
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day 196, Friday September 12
Spent the afternoon getting groceries and cleaning the house, and then it got really windy. Brody needs walks anyway. Jim decided we'd walk down the neighbor's fenceline in the fields instead of along the (dusty) road, so that was something new and a bit of an adventure. Brody loved it. He loves everything, lol.
Today: 11574 steps/ 4.76 miles
AT: 700.68 (only 1468 to go, lol)
YTD: 797.78
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Day 195, Thursday, September 11
AT miles: 631.51
YTD miles: 728.34
Congrats to Neil on hitting the 1000 mile mark!
Tomorrow, we drive to Dallas and walk the Arlington swap meet. We meet the kids for dinner, and on Saturday, we walk the swap meet again (most likely in the rain) and plan to go to Grapefest in Grapevine with the kids in the afternoon -- assuming Ike will permit such activity. Sunday, we drive back to New Braunfels for hubby's rehearsal.
Day 194, Wednesday September 10
Total: 7.5
AT: 1,021.5
Now in Maryland!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Day 193 Tuesday, September 9
Total: 11
AT: 1,014
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Monday, September 8
Total: 2.5
AT: 1,003
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Day 191 Sunday September 7
Sunday afternoon we took Brody on his first geocache hike. (Jim has the report on his blog), and I'm not doing so great here. Think we're going out for a short walk here in a minute--thought I was reporting the whole day's steps and then Jim says, time to walk Brody. What, again????? Sigh. I'll report back in.
Okay, puppy walk is over. Today's miles: 4.31, most of them pretty slow.
AT: 682.17
YTD: 779.27
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Day 189 Friday, September 5
AT: 675.03
YTD: 772.13
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Day 188, Thursday, September 4
Oh, well. Replaced the two top steps to the front porch -- they were rotten, and we didn't want the mailman to get injured. Before replacing them, I painted them. I'll put another coat on tomorrow. We hauled a trailer load of stuff to our new storage property -- including some lawn furniture we're not using here at the moment, so we now have a comfy place to sit while we're working at the storage building (a three bay garage with two offices). We got another two dump truck loads of gravel delivered today, but we're going to be out of town for nearly two months before we'll be able to spread it on the driveway. Looking forward to that, but, seriously, that's what hubby does for exercise.
AT miles: 603.65
YTD miles: 701.48
Day 187, Wednesday September 3
September: 4.5
AT: 402.5
Year: 446.7
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Day 186, Tuesday September 2
Total: 5
AT: 977
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Day 185, Monday, September 1
I walked Brody Sunday morning. Later in the day Jim and I drove to Sandpoint (Idaho) for our anniversary dinner (28 years on Saturday, but we were busy!) After dinner we walked around the lakefront park. It had poured rain while we were having dinner and there was a gorgeous double rainbow hanging over the lake--we could see the cottages on the other side THROUGH the rainbow. Very nice! Total miles for the day: 2.88
Today we walked Brody together in the morning, also one of Jim's mom's little dogs, who went crazy at the cows down along the next property so we came back early. Brody is used to the cows and listens well, but he's had more experience! :D
Late this afternoon we went for a walk again, the three of us, and when we got to the end of our road we just kept going across the neighbor's field to the river. Definitely the longest walk Brody's been on yet (almost four miles total). Day total: 5 miles.
AT: 657.4
YTD: 754.5
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Day 184, Sunday, August 31
AT miles: 586.31
YTD miles: 684.14
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Day 183, Saturday, August 30
AT miles: 582.51
YTD miles: 680.34
Day 182, Friday, August 29
AT: 644.58
YTD: 741.68
Friday, August 29, 2008
Day 181, Thursday August 28
AT: 639.98
YTD: 737.08
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Day 180, Wednesday August 27
Total: 2.5
AT: 949
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Day 179, Tuesday August 26
Total: 3.5
AT: 946.5
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Day 178, Monday August 25
I guess that is Monday for you.
Walked 1 mile at noon an then 1.5 with Bonnie in the evening. When I bend over I can now touch the middle of my sox, so probably only a few more days till I try something more than walking and light stretching.
Total: 2.5
AT: 943
Now that I've figured out how to edit my posts, I can rewrite the past :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Day 177, Sunday August 24
Saturday walked around the pond 2.5, and evening walk with Bonnie 1.5.
Sunday was supposed to go to Tanglewood for a concert with Bonnie, but was too sore for the 2 hour car ride. Walked 1.5 in the afternoon and 1.5 in the evening.
Total: 7
AT: 940.5
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Day 176, Saturday August 23
August: 57.6
AT: 382.7
Year: 426.9
And I only have to average a bit over two miles for the rest of the month to pass the 400-mile mark! Woohoo!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Day 175, Friday August 22
Brody had his second shots today and he weighs 22 pounds, double what he weighed 4 weeks ago. He walked really well this evening off leash with Jim and I, though he *took turns* at whose heel he felt like walking. It was pretty funny actually.
Today: 9936 steps? 4.09 miles
AT: 616.98
YTD: 714.08
Friday, August 22, 2008
Day 174, Thursday August 23
Total: 5
AT: 960
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Day 173, Wednesday August 22
Friday: golf 2, station bike 7.33, walk 1.5; total 11 (added .25 from pervious day walk)
Saturday: spent day driving, short walk in the evening .5
Sunday: rode stationary bike in hotel, no actual mileage, but with walking around campus around 10
Monday: Lots of driving, we did some walking .5
Tuesday: Lots of walking, went to a few of the restored manson, walked 6.5
Wednesday: Discovered a very nice park across from the bed and and breakfast we were staying at, walked 4.5
Total: 33
AT: 955
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Day 172, Tuesday August 19
AT: 607.53
YTD: 704.63
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Day 171, Monday, August 18
AT: 603.13
YTD: 700.23
Monday, August 18, 2008
Trail Map Updated
The map
I need to update my spread sheet still, so hopefully I can post my updated miles sometime this week. (My dot on the map is from early August I think, whenever it was I posted miles last).
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Day 170, Sunday, August 17
I'm averaging at least four miles a day for the last ten days or so, putting me:
AT: 599.36 (shoulda made that puppy walk a bit further I see!)
YTD: 696.46
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day 167, Thursday 14 August
August: 34.4
AT: 359.5
Year: 403.7
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Day 166, Wednesday, 13 August
August: 32.4
AT: 357.5
Year: 401.7
Day 164, Tuesday 12 August
Total: 5
AT: 912.5
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Day 163, Monday 11 August
Total: 4.5
AT: 907.5
Monday, August 11, 2008
Day 162, Sunday 10 August
Total: 3.5
AT: 903
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Day 161, Saturday 9 August
Total: 7
AT: 899.5
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Day 160, Friday 8 August
Played golf 2 miles, at noon went for a 2 mile walk (stoped in the gym half way through to life weights), and then a 1.5 mile walk with Bonnie in the evening. There is a women in our neighborhood who runs in the evening with her dogs. She used to have 2, but one died recently, last night she had a new puppy running with her, really cute dog, stoped by to say high to us.
Total: 5.5
AT: 892.5
Friday, August 8, 2008
Day 159, Thursday 7 August
Total: 4.5
AT: 887
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Day 157, Wednesday 6 August
Total: 7.5
AT: 882.5
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day 157, Tuesday 5 August
Supposed to rain on Wednesday, we'll see what the day brings.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day 156, Monday 4 August
Total: 6
AT: 871.5
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Day 155, Sunday 3 August
Our weekend camping trip turned into a hike and a lot of rain -- details on my LJ and I'm sure Neil will have his own version :D
We took some pictures and I'll turn those into an album after we get them uploaded.
Friday: 1.5
Saturday: 5.5
Sunday: 2.5
August: 9.5
AT: 334.6
Year: 378.8
Friday, August 1, 2008
Neil and I are starting off August with a camping trip to the White Mountains. I found this picture of the shelter where we'll be staying tomorrow night (on a website called, useful for any hiking in New Hampshire's White Mountains). I don't think we're going to be having a campfire, just a nice rocket fueled stove.

I thought the platforms didn't look very comfortable, but then I took a good look at the rocks and said, "Nah, wood is good." I'll update when we get back with photos from our trip. Assuming the camera and I both get back in one piece!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Day 152, Thursday, July 31
I wound up getting 10,355 steps today for 5.55 miles.
AT miles: 487.12
YTD miles: 584.95
Day 151, Wednesday July 30
Had to do stuff for my boss over lunch so only managed to sneak out for a 1 mile walk, and then a 1.5 mile walk with Bonnie in the evening.
Total: 4.5
AT: 840.75
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day 150, Tuesday July 29
Total: 5
AT: 836.25
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 149, Monday, July 28
AT miles: 474.62
YTD miles: 572.45
Day 148, Sunday 27 July
Total: 7
AT: 825.75
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Day 147, Saturday 26 July
July: 66.6
AT: 313.4
YTD: 357.6
I also posted directions for how to post photos and updated the shelters list and news box.
If you want to post photos
Just copy this into your post, then make the changes below and save as usual.
[a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="POINTER TO YOUR PHOTO">[img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px;" src="POINTER TO YOUR PHOTO" border="0" alt="" /][/a]
You need to replace the square brackets [] with angle brackets <> and put the pointer to your photo in two places.
Let me know if you have problems and I'll see what I can do.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day 146, Friday July 25
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day 145, Thursday July 24
Total: 5.25
AT: 806.75
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Day 144, Wednesday, July 23
AT miles: 459.03 (woo Hoo! I just checked the database, and I just crossed into Virginia!)
YTD miles: 556.86
Heading back to San Antonio tomorrow for the weekend. If it doesn't get rained out, we're walking the Fredericksburg Swap Meet on Friday and Saturday.
Day 143, Tuesday July 22
Total: 4
AT: 786.5
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Day 142, Monday July 21
Total: 6.5
AT: 782.5
Monday, July 21, 2008
Day 141, Sunday July 20
Total: 7
AT: 773
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Day 140, Saturday July 19
Thursday I walked in the morning and at noon, Aquafit in the evening. Total steps: 9745
Friday, a morning walk. My daughter and I drove to Sandpoint and did a lot of walking as we shopped there! Plus a week in the evening, because it was hot. Total steps: 9984
Saturday, morning walk, then busy cleaning, grocery shopping, and, once Jim brought The Puppy (photos on my blog) home, many little walks outside. Jim and his helpers *topped the haystack*, and Hanna and I made homemade pizza. I felt like I was on my feet all day, but when I stepped outside in the evening, the temperature was so perfectly cool I dragged Hanna out for another walk. Total steps: 13223
AT: 494.64
YTD: 591.74
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Day 139, Friday July 18
Walked 1.5 with Bonnie in the evening after it cooled down some.l
Total: 3.5
AT: 759
Friday, July 18, 2008
Day 138, Thursday July 17
July: 42.1
AT: 289.6
YTD: 337.7
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day 137, Wednesday 16 July
Total: 14.5
AT: 750.5
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day 135, Monday July 14
Total: 5
AT: 731
Monday, July 14, 2008
Day 134, Sunday July 13
So a walk this morning--early, before it got too hot. Late in the afternoon we went for a swim in the lake to cool off, and after cleaning up from supper my daughter and I went for another walk. Today's total steps 10167.
AT: 470.29 Hey look! I'm actually someplace real--a stream is listed at 470, just out of Saunders Shelter in Virginia!
YTD: 567.39
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Day 133, Saturday July 12
AT: 466.11
YTD: 563.21
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Day 132, Friday, July 11
Total: 3.5
AT: 714
Sunday we plan on a big family hike up Osceola, about 6.4 round trip and 2,000 feet of evelation gain. Lets ho0pe for the best.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Day 131, Thursday, July 10
Yesterday I got my 6:45 am walk in, and planned my second walk for noon hour. However, my daughter wound up in town and we went out for lunch, so I made her walk with me in the evening to make up for it! Steps: 9964
Today the early walk was cooler as it was cloudy. By noon it was muggy but I walked again anyway. Aquafit in the evening. We wondered if it might get canceled as it's an outdoor pool and a storm went through just before, but it cleared off enough to enjoy the workout. Steps: 9106
AT: 460.1
YTD: 557.2
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Day 130, Wednesday July 9
Day 129, Tuesday July 8
Total 6
AT: 701.5
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Day 128, Monday July 7
Total 4.5
AT: 694.5
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Day 127, Sunday July 6
And our usual walk in the evening. Total four miles. I am now three miles short of Deer Park Mountain Shelter. That's okay, it's a nice night for camping.
July: 16.9
AT: 264.4
YTD: 314.5
Day 126, Saturday July 5
Total: 7
AT: 676
Friday, July 4, 2008
Day 125, Friday July 4
July: 8.8
AT: 256.3
YTD: 306.4
Day 124, Thursday July 3rd
Total: 10
AT: 673
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Day 124, Wednesday, July 2nd
Total: 3
AT: 663
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Day 123, Tuesday, July 1st
Total: 4.5
AT: 660
Monday, June 30, 2008
Day 122, Monday, June 30th
AT miles: 381.55
YTD miles: 479.38
Not sure how regularly you'll see me for the next two weeks, but I'll be tracking and will do a catchup post when I get back to the big house.
Day 121, Sunday, June 29th
Long weekend in Michigan. Friday managed 2 miles of walking on walk in the evening with Bonnie and getting around the airport. Also road the stationary bike 8.2. During our walk we say some sand hill crains. One walked in front of an SUV and blocked his path for about 2 minutes. We weren't too sure how friendly he would be to us passing, but he didn't complain too much.
Saturday ran 3.25 or something like that, and walked 1.5. And Sunday ran 3.25 and just walked around the airport.
Total: 23
AT: 654
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Day 120, Saturday, June 28th
Some of today's steps came from mowing the part of the lawn that's growing (not very much) and moving several boxes from the garage to the house.
AT miles: 376.96
YTD Miles: 747.79
Friday, June 27, 2008
Day 119, Friday, June 27th
I did 35 minutes on Wii Fit and about five more minutes on Wii Sports -- Boxing and the test -- my Wii Sports age decreased from 73 to 60. There seems to be something not quite right about basing my fitness score on how many home runs I can hit, my bowling accuracy, and my ability to return a tennis ball, but (shrug) I guess it's all in good fun. Or maybe I'm just a poor loser! My Wii Fit age was 42 today. It's varied from the mid-30s to the low-50s. I think it's a little more accurate.
AT miles: 373.02
YTD miles: 470.85
I've lost between 10 and 13 pounds since I retired, so I'm pleased with that. Only about 80 to go. :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Day 118, Thursday, June 26th
Shortly after I got home, I heard Hershey barking, I looked downstairs and saw Hershey standing near an empty collar lying on the ground. Millie slipped her collar. I dashed downstairs, grabbed her leash and the collar and headed off to where I hear my neighbor's dogs barking in the next block. Sure enough, she was running in the high school parking lot by the stadium entrance. Amazingly, she immediately came when I called. That's a first.
41 minutes on the Wii Fit. Again, not a lot of stepping involved today. Even so, today's count is better: 7357 for 3.25 miles.
AT miles: 372.02
YTD miles: 469.85
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 117, Wednesday, June 25th
Today's steps: 4139 in 1.82 miles
AT miles: 368.77
YTD miles: 466.6
Tomorrow morning, after pulling vines, I'm going to walk to the post office to mail two pieces of correspondence. That ought to add some steps, and it should still be cool enough.
Day 116, Tuesday, June 24th
PED Miles: 1.48
Non-PED Miles: 7.6
Total Miles: 9.08
AT: 341.51
YTD Total: 406.09
Most of my "mileage" today came from not walking :). I did a 6 mile bike ride with my son in the morning, then worked out on the WII. The actual steps are mostly pacing because California is burning and dropping ash out of our sky. We're not supposed to be outside right now :p.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Day 115, Monday, June 23rd
AT miles: 365.15
YTD miles: 462.98
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Day 114, Sunday, June 22nd
3702 steps for 1.63 miles
AT miles: 363.63
YTD miles: 461.46
Or maybe the batteries are getting low on the pedometer. Hmm. I had better start looking for my spare just in case.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Day 113, June 21st
8745 steps for 3.86 miles
AT miles: 362
YTD miles: 459.83
Friday, June 20, 2008
Day 112, Friday, June 20th
I am a total dance/aerobics klutz. DDR baffles me. I'm doing something, but if you picture the nerd at the dance flailing around, that's about what the steps mean to me and I'm sure I look just as dorky. As for the Wii version, I'm doing ok at the basic version in the aerobics section -- I've gotten up to 2 stars and it tells me one of three things at the end -- speed up, slow down, or get consistent. I unlocked the advanced one a couple weeks ago and have tried it twice. I managed to get the clapping included today -- who knows how much if any was in synch, but the foot shaking (green steps) leave me looking like I'm trying DDR. At least I understand what the Wii is saying. I can't decipher the DJ in DDR to save my life.
I've been unlocking yoga poses I'll never be able to do because of my knees, but I do the ones I can do, and I'm getting 3 stars on several of them. I think there's even one or two where I consistently earn 4 stars. Triangle -- good for stretching the glutes, and mine have been tight lately.
Steps for today: 6499 for 2.87 miles
AT miles: 358.14
YTD miles: 455.97
Valerie, I hope you're FIL is doing better by the time you read this.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Day 111, Thursday, June 19th
Before I left Montgomery, I picked up something poison ivy like, and when that happens, it goes systemic on me, so I'm still (over a month later) dealing with pop up ivy rashes. Until I can get it cleared up, I'm not anxious to go anywhere near anything in the great outdoors. I imagine a couple of forays to the ranch (with known rash causing plants) have not helped. As long as it doesn't get worse, I won't need to seek medical attention.
But I did get steps in today. 7536 for 3.33 miles.
AT miles: 355.27
YTD miles: 453.1
My Wii version of Dance Dance Revolution (DDR) arrived a few days ago, and I gave it a try today. I'm a total klutz whenever I try anything like this, but I'm discovering with Wii Fit that with perseverance, I am beginning to get the hang of some of this stuff. Maybe DDR will work similarly. Of course, it might help if I could figure out what the heck the DJ is saying about eyes...
I love the Wii Fit. The balance board helps me get emphasis where it is supposed to be for the yoga moves, so in some ways, I think it's a great individual yoga teacher. For instance, I did Downward Facing Dog on it for the first time yesterday, and it told me I was putting too much of my weight on my feet and needed to shift more to my hands. I had been thinking I wasn't getting enough on my feet. That's happened on one other pose. Of course, on the rowing, I can't begin to get my center of gravity into the blue zone, so it fails me every time. Ugh. I also like the way you start with a few poses or activities and "earn" more as you work.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 110, Wednesday, June 18th
Today's count: 5795 steps and 2.56 miles
AT miles: 351.94
YTD miles: 449.77
We've moved one dump truckload of gravel and have one more to go. Then, we estimate, we'll need two more truckloads (at least) to get all the gravel we need for the driveway in place.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day 109, Tuesday, June 17th
4955 steps for 2.18 miles
AT miles: 349.38
YTD miles: 447.21
On Friday, I begin the lawn mowing marathon again, so the counts will go up for sure. I didn't do much activity-wise today, but I did get to see a friend and former co-worker, so that was worthwhile.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Day 108, Monday 16 June
June: 32.3
AT: 217.1
YTD: 264.2
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Day 107, June 15th
Today's steps: 8990 for 3.97 miles
AT Total: 343.44
YTD Total: 441.27
Yes, I know I'm a fine one to talk -- point taken. I hope you fathers playing along had a Happy Father's Day.
And I seem to be spending the night in Carter, TN, at the Double Springs shelter.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Day 105, Friday, June 13
6053 steps for 2.67 miles
AT miles: 336.92
YTD miles: 434.75
I've also been playing Wii Fit for a little over a week. It doesn't feel strenuous, but I seem to work up a sweat in my 20-25 minute workouts. Of the Wii Sports game that comes with the system, I don't really feel like anything but tennis or boxing really allows me to get a workout in. Bowling isn't a bad game. I'm lousy at baseball. I am having fun unlocking new segments of the Fit system, though.
Since I retired, I've managed to lose ten pounds. I've been doing a lot more physical work, but I've also sweated a lot of it out. If I can continue to lose, I think that will be a good sign.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Day 104, Thursday June 12
Wednesday I walked before work and a bit at noon. We had company for supper, and after they left, Jim wanted to go for a walk, so we did. That bumped my steps for the day to 10190--quite respectable.
Today is a bit lower again. Walked in the morning, drove my kids to Spokane to the airport, drove home (7 hours in the car.) Did some walking shopping, and Jim and I went for a short walk when I got home. He'd worked a 12-hour day so didn't much feel the need to stretch his legs! My total: 6270.
AT: 365.5
YTD: 462.6
Day 103, Wednesday 11 June
Total: 12.5
AT: 558
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Day 102, Tuesday 9 June
AT: 205.3
June: 21.5
YTD: 252.4
Day 101, Monday 9 June
AT: 203.7
June: 19.9
YTD: 250.8
Monday, June 9, 2008
Day 100, Sunday June 8
Total 3.5
AT: 535.5
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Day 99, Saturday June 7
Saturday was last refereeing day of the season (for me). Did the center for one game and ran the line for the other. Temps in the low 90's was really wipped. I'd estimate 6 miles total. Walked 1.5 with Bonnie in the evening.
Big news is David passed his black belt test. Bonnie took lots of pictures, I'm sure will be on one of her sites soon.
Total: 13
AT: 532
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Day 98, Friday 6 June
AT: 196.9
June: 12.4
YTD: 243.3
Friday, June 6, 2008
Day 97, June 5 Thursday
Today I took both walks a bit more seriously, though I passed a house with a beautiful yard on my noon walk in town, recognized the woman working in it, and got invited into the back half acre for a tour. *Almost* inspired me! :P
Today's steps 10322/ 4.24 miles
AT: 349.87
YTD: 446.97
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Day 96, Wednesday June 4
Total: 11
AT: 514
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Day 95, Tuesday June 3
Total: 7
AT: 503
Monday, June 2, 2008
Day 94, Monday June 2
AT: 190.8
June: 6.3
YTD: 237.2
Day 93, Sunday June 1
Total: 5.5
AT: 491.5
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Day 92, Saturday May 31
AT: 183.5
May: 64.5
YTD: 231.9
Friday, May 30, 2008
May campfire

Another month under our belts and another bunch of miles under our feet. Sit down and roast a few marshmallows! How's it going? Seen any exciting sights? I think our best was the beaver dam and lodge at Greeley Ponds last week.
This image was originally posted to Flickr by ninahale at This file is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 License. Thank you, Nina, whoever you are.
Day 91, Friday May 30
AT: 181.0
May: 62.0
YTD: 229.4
Day 90, Thursday May 29
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Day 89, Wednesday May 28
Today's steps: 8901/ 3.66 miles
AT: 322.73
YTD: 419.83
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day 88, Tuesday May 27
Today's total? 13055 steps/ 5.37 miles
AT: 319.07
YTD: 416.17
Monday, May 26, 2008
Day 87, Monday, May 26
AT: 185.15
YTD: 232.33
Day 86, Sunday May 25
AT: 310.94
YTD: 408.04
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Day 85, Saturday 24 May
We saw a beaver dam and house, a couple of birds, a flying critter that we think was a bat, and lots of pretty flowers.
edited to add: Neil says I forgot some mileage. 1.5 on Friday night, after we got home from dinner, and half a mile short on yesterday's hike. Corrected numbers:
Which puts me only A mile short of Mollie's Ridge shelter. I should be past that tomorrow.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Day 84, May 23 Friday
Steps: 12153/ 5 miles
AT: 306.06
YTD: 403.16
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Day 83, Thursday 22 May 2008
AT: 163.0
May: 44.0
YTD: 211.4
Day 82, Wednesday 21 May
Steps: 6633
Total Miles: 2.61
AT: 235.97
YTD Total: 300.55
Two walks today, both short ones of about 1 mile, then an event at school where I didn't walk nearly as much as I'd expected, but at least I got over 2.5. Oh, and look at that! 300 miles for the year :).
Hope you all walk well while I'm gone.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Day 81, Tuesday 20 May
Total : 6
AT: 409
Monday, May 19, 2008
Day 80, Monday 19 May
today: 2.3
AT: 156.0
May: 37.0
YTD: 204.4
Day 79, Sunday 18 May
Total Miles: 2.36
AT: 228.58
YTD Total: 293.16
I swear it wasn't planned to match my distance exactly. Today I did walk. One stroll through an airconditioned mall then a short walk around our complex. Still not up to the minimum, but I'm getting better.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Day 78, Saturday 17 May
Friday and Saturday: 6.6
AT: 151.2
May: 32.2
YTD: 199.6
Day 77, Friday May 16
Today: 7951 steps/ 3.27 miles
AT: 284.25
YTD: 381.35
Friday, May 16, 2008
Day 76, Thursday May 15
Steps: 9856/ 4.05 miles
AT: 280.98
YTD: 378.08
Looks like I'm a stone's throw from Spring Mountain Shelter on the Tennessee/ North Carolina border. Cool.
The temperature around here has shot up from about 55F to over 80F. Where are the fans? Why isn't the air conditioner hooked up in the bedroom? HOTTT! (not really complaining, I'll save that for next week...)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Day 75, Wednesday May 14
A very busy day, golf in the morning 2 miles, ran at noon 3.5, walk with Bonnie in the late afternoon 1.5. Was too nice a day to be inside.
Total: 7
AT: 367.5
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Day 74, Tuesday May 13
Saturday: 10151 steps/ 4.17 miles traipsing through Beacon Hill Park and along the ocean front.
Sunday: 11437 steps/ 4.7 miles mostly in the Royal BC Museum. We were going to go sailing but the charter was canceled due to a bad storm. Disappointing, but the museum was fun as was the Imax.
Monday: 4452 steps/ 1.83 miles (travel day)
Tuesday: 7432 steps/ 3.06 miles Walk in the morning, busy at work, and moving furniture and stuff in the evening.
AT: 273.85
YTD: 370.95
Monday, May 12, 2008
Day 73, Monday May 12
Steps: 10209
Miles: 5.1045
AT total: 152.9275
Day 73; Monday, May 13, 2008
I managed to log steps in addition to work and puttering. The weather was gorgeous today, so I dragged Eric out for a walk after dinner. I hope to continue that trend.
AT Miles: 157.15
YTD: 204.33
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Day 72, Sunday May 11
Played golf with Steven and Neil today; we had gorgeous weather and I got a nice sunburn :) So 3 miles.
today: 3
AT: 139.3
May: 20.3
YTD: 187.6
Day 71, Saturday May 10
today: 2.6
AT: 136.3
May: 17.3
YTD: 184.6
Friday, May 9, 2008
Day 70, May 9, 2008
Steps: 10010 (00000 binary)
Miles: 5.005
AT total: 143.281
Day 69, May 8, 2008
Total Miles: 2.98
AT: 205.78
YTD Total: 270.36
Managed two walks and some pacing today.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Day 68, May 7, 2008
Miles: 2.6225
AT Total: 135.855
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day 67, May 6, 2008
Today I got in 9145 steps between walking at lunch and general walking around at work, for 4.5725 miles. Yesterday I managed 11105 steps 5.5525 miles, I'd walked on my own after work, then the hubby and I went shopping when he was done with work. We walked around the mall, Staples, and I walked around Michaels (yay for more beads). When I was finishing my walk around campus I saw a duck when I was returning to my office. It was funny, he was more interested in his reflection in the glass then he was me. Poor thing probably thought it was another duck.
AT total: 133.1575 :)
At some point this week I'll update the map again.
Day 66, May 5, 2008
Steps: 8097
Total Miles: 3.19
AT: 196.88
YTD Total: 261.46
Got a shorter than normal morning walk so not as many miles as I've been doing of late, but I walked around a new lake downtown and got to see a very strange goose, another breed of duck and a black bird that sits up like a penguin, is the size of a smallish Canadian goose and has a VERY long neck. Wish I'd had my binoculars to get a closer look. Evening walk was the normal route with nothing unusual.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Day 65, May 4, 2008
AT miles: 192.06
YTD miles: 289.89
I think I'm on track for packers on Wednesday morning, but it's hard to tell with everything jumbled up like it is now.
At the moment, I can't see the bed, so I have a little work to do before I can hit the sack tonight.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Day 64, May 3
AT: 123.1
May: 5.1
YTD: 172.4
I think I'll double back and spend the night at Cold Spring Shelter. I might not come out tomorrow...
Here's what the shelter looks like in good weather.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Day 63, 2 May 2008
AT: 120.1
May: 2.1
YTD: 169.4
Day 62, Thursday May 1
Today: 9687 steps/ 3.98 miles
AT: 225.86 miles
YTD: 322.96